Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I hate myspace

Maybe it's because I turned 29 this year.
Maybe, I'm 10-15 years out of the loop.
Maybe, I'm just a bitter bastard
Maybe it's because I enjoy planting tomatoes and playing ball with my max.

But, I can't stand myspace. Every time a site links to it, or some Hollywood whore *This means you Kevin smith*, uses for shameless self promotion; I get a little more annoyed.
Finally, I make the mistake of scrolling down, past the person/band/whore information, to the countless pages of "Ads".

Like "Hey, It's Thursday, Thanks for the ADD.. You Guyz are the best"..
"Hey, it's Friday, you guyz RUL3!".. THANKS FOR THE ADD..


I think there must be a greasemonkey script that I can use.. To filter out all content originating from, or even remotely mentioning it. Perhaps I'm just not web2.0. I belief the web is great medium. Blogs and forums are great tool for reaching out, voicing your opinion, talking with peers. However, when everybody is talking, but talking about nothing, should we care? And why is it relevant?

I feel better now.

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