Wednesday, July 06, 2005

RENT - The Movie

Rent is one of the few musicals that I ever had the patience for. It's also one of the few musicals I've taken the time to see. I was attracted to it's story of grit and grime, and the it's billing as "Rock Opera".

I did not realize until surfing the apple trailer site, that there was a motion picture adaptation. After reviewing the site and trailer, I feel that the movie will be missing an important piece - The 'ROCK'. In making this film, hiring some of the original cast was a nice touch. However, the trailer gave me a vibe of too much of 'American Idol' and not enough of the 'Never mind the Bullocks". It also had that feel of the 'sophisticated urban' in the vein of 'How Stella got her groove back'. Perhaps it was the casting of Taye Diggs. Before the movie is released, I hope they take time to review the movie and story. Perhaps then, they will take to the editing room, and add some of grit.

Sony Pictures - Rent

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