Thursday, May 05, 2005

Predator Awareness? Heartless Bastard?

Maybe if Mr. Sellers had a family, especially with a teenage daughter who lived in the golden horseshoe during this period, he's opinion would be a bit different then "Predator Awareness".

My memorys of this period is vivid. It was like the city was in locked down. No mother/daughter/wife/co-worker/sister whoever felt safe. Nobody walked the streets alone. If this Hollywood producer could feel 1/1000th of the fear that the area had, I think he'd have a different opinion. And that's even to mention the pain and the suffering that the family's of the victims went through, and are still going through today. I'm not for censorship, but I really do hope that the movie watchers of Canada will pass this one over.

andPOP | The Barbie And Ken Of Serial Killers To Be Chronicled In Deadly: "Hollywood producer Michael Sellers acknowledges the controversy of his film, but also feels that true crime films are merited in Hollywood tradition, as was Oscar-winning film Monster, which chronicled the real life story of a female serial killer’s heinous acts of violence. Sellers has emphasized that our intention behind this movie is to encourage 'Predator Awareness.'"

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