Thursday, November 04, 2004

Well. Americans voted. They voted for Bush. A lot of Americans are cheering! So am I. Really. Yeah!! A Vote for the right!! A vote for middle America! A vote for the troops. I'm sure the boys over in Iraq are thanking all you right voting Americans now. Really, I am sure they are. I was always under the presumption that Americans believed in freedom. Isn't that the "American Way?". On the issue of gay rights, somehow, taking away somebody's freedom, their RIGHT to love whoever they want to. I guess it's not a choose of freedom to merry the person that one loves. I guess that isn't an expression of freedom. Instead, they use their freedom to vote for a government that has lead a relentless assault on their personal freedoms and rights, while waving the flag, guns a' blazing and praying to Jesus. I guess I should of bought Haliburton stocks yesterday. I think they will be holding their value for at least another for years. George W. Bush, and middle America I congratulate you. You have guaranteed another four years of great angry punk music.

Yahoo! News - Conservatives Cheer Gay Marriage Bans

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