Tuesday, November 30, 2004

While, I'm not sure if I agree with the point of "The Superficial", week by week, I'm drawn more to read it. While there are many sites that offer nipple slips and quasi-celebrity porn, none do it with the halirous star bashing editoral content. Even if the photo offend your sensibilties, the rants make this site worth visiting.

Here are few random qutoes:

"Based on the promos and my knowledge of Nick and Jessica's talent, I think it's safe to say that their Christmas Special is going to suck more balls than a Mexican prostitute. And in case you're unfamiliar with Mexican prostitutes, that's a whole lot of sucking. Maybe everybody will be so distracted by Nick's uglyass sweaters that they won't notice how terrible everything else is"

"I've got no problem with marriage sites in general, but this one just pisses me off with its pretentiousness. "Hey, I'm fat and I talk a lot and I'm sort of famous so everybody pay attention to me because I just got married. And give me your email address because you don't get enough spam. Mmm...Spam."

" A number of people have pointed out that the woman in the background appears to have urinated all over the carpet while walking backwards. Good job, old woman. Urinating in public places is neat."

"Sorry Kevin, but dressing like a hillbilly hobo isn't really considered "great style." Maybe if wife beaters and giant clown pants ever come into style then you'll be onto something, but until then maybe you should just chill the fuck out"

"In other news, Clay Aiken was recently awarded the "Biggest Lameass of American Idol" Award for being the Biggest Lameass of American Idol. It was a close call between him and and Ryan Seacrest, but Ryan was disqualified when it was pointed out that he already won the "Biggest Lameass of the Universe" Award."

"That's the kind of name you read about in story books about old cobblers and talking mice. All this time I figured Julia Roberts to be somewhat of a regular person but now I know the horrible truth. Just once I'd like a celebrity to not be completely insane."

"There's just nothing quite like a teenie-bopped out teenie-bop posing on a giant lollipop to make me want to get totally high on cocaine. I mean giant lollipops? It's like I'm already high"

"when I saw JoJo's first music video I figured she was at least 18. Color me surprised when I discovered that she was really just a 6-year old in a 14-year old costume pretending to be an 18-year old girl. Or...something like that."

Read more postings at "The Superficial - Because You're Ugly"

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