Monday, February 21, 2005

Currently listening to Dead Weight - Beck

Monday Afternoon, Its 12c and sunny in abbey. Rumor has it that the golden horseshoe got hit by a snowstorm. Gotta love that! :) I should be golfing instead of posting, however, I'm trying to continue my streak of posting here.

1. I have been told that grammar and spelling on my postings suck. As a rule, I try to spell check, and proof read my postings. However, sometimes like yesterday, I leave the blogs open for a long period of time, so instead of losing them, I just post them up. I suppose I could set them as draft, but then I might never post them or even worse, they loose that "In the moment" feeling. Anyways, yes, Stacey I will try harder to correct my grammar and spelling.

2. Speaking of Blogs, recently there has been a ton of hype around them . I guess they are the "thing of the moment". Time magazine covered blogging, and this past weekends Vancouver Sun (link?) there was quite a spread on blogging. However, I hope all this hype does not burn blogs out. I really enjoy blogging and reading blogs. All this attention to blogging has already attracted the eyes of the big boys, the corporate whores and the people who generally pollute the net. For instance, all this hype has lead to a large increase in blog comment spam. The Vancouver sun article quoted somebody (I wish I had the quote) as saying that blogs might lead to the end of corporate media. I shutter every time I hear this sort of crap. Mp3's haven't caused the downfall of the music industry (Yet, maybe someday..), the web store hasn't caused the death of retail, instead we've seen more of a convergence to a clicks' and mortar concept. As far as blogs go, I think that people are still timid to post their actually thoughts. Now that we are all given a forum to speak, we get up on are soap boxes, and edit ourselves. I rarely post blogs that have any sort of personal sediment. With this idea, I do think we will start to see the blog locked down a little more to create more communities of bloggers. I could possibly see the blog morf into a forum/BBS style system, where it's a group of people with common interests blogging, and we start to chose who can read our blogs. In this more intimate setting, bloggers will probably get out shells and actually express their thoughts.

To summarize, It's funny, now that we are empowered with a soap box to shout from,
we are all chicken shit to say what we are actually thinking. :)

Song at end of post Elastica - Line Up

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