Friday, March 25, 2005

This one is for you Rex

I'll skip any more articles to post a cup half empty post. Stacey is here this weekend, and I'm absolutely delighted to have her here. I have not seen her since Valentines day. Unfortunately, Its 10:00pm (PST), she is currently jet legged and sleeping, and instead of going in there and 'waking her up, I'm here bloggin. How retarded is that? We should be midway through a bottle of wine, well into the Miles Davis, and doing anything but blogging. I'm not sure what that says about our relationship. We have defiantly got to that "comfortable" stage.

Speaking of the "comfortable stage", I knew we had hit that stage, when she started to pull the freaky mutant hairs out of my back, and I started to fart in front of her. But I digress..

1 comment:

Rex Venom said...

The Farting and Hair stage, or the FHS, as we here in Fool-Land call it, is a part of living. Pity.
But as to your comfortable night of blogging as your pretty girl sleeps away her lag, that is ok. Because all sleeps end, and then you will have earned a billion good guy points for ‘caring’ about her feelings and not just, um, you know, whether she wanted to or not. That means that She’ll really be looking forward to, er, you know, so You Rock! Score one for the good guys! (Hey, nice post by the way….)
Have fun!